Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Summa: Journal of Accounting and Tax employs a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure high-quality publications. The process includes:

  1. Preliminary Evaluation: The Editor-in-Chief will screen a submitted manuscript to ensure its conformity to the Summa: Journal of Accounting and Tax scope and basic submission requirements. The Editor-in-chief will assign an editor based on the articles’ scientific field
  2. External Expert Assessment: Manuscripts are sent to at least two subject matter experts for review.
  3. Decision Making: Based on reviews, decisions range from rejection to acceptance, with possibilities for revision.
  4. Revision Phase: Authors have three weeks to revise their manuscripts, which are then reassessed.
  5. Final Decision: The handling editor determines if the revised manuscript meets publication standards.

This comprehensive process ensures that only high-quality, original research is published in Summa: Journal of Accounting and Tax.