Controlling Computer Device Cursors Using Hand Gestures by Utilizing OpenCV, MediaPipe, and PyAutoGui
OpenCV, Python, MediaPipe, Pyautogui, controlling the cursorAbstract
This research presents an innovative interactive solution for controlling computer device cursors by utilizing hand movements using OpenCV, MediaPipe, and PyAutoGui. By combining these three libraries, this program is able to detect and analyze hand movements in real-time, allowing users to control the cursor and click with hand movements. Through image processing methods and hand landmark analysis, this program succeeded in achieving its designed goals. The main goal of the research is to create interactive solutions that are responsive and efficient in controlling computer device cursors. Test results on computer devices with certain specifications show success in detecting hand movements and controlling the cursor well. However, this research still has the potential for further development, such as adding complex hand gesture recognition features and integration with certain applications to improve program functionality and performance.
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