Peer Review Process
Peer Review Process
Moneta: Journal of Economics and Finance employs a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure high-quality publications:
- Initial Screening: The Editor-in-Chief will screen a submitted manuscript to ensure its conformity to the Moneta: Journal of Economics and Finance scope and basic submission requirements. The Editor-in-chief will assign an editor based on the articles’ scientific field
- External Review: Manuscripts passing initial screening are assigned to a handling editor, who forwards them to at least two subject matter experts for double-blind review.
- Decision Making: Based on at least two expert reviews, possible outcomes include:
- Rejection
- Minor revision request
- Major revision request
- Acceptance without changes
- Resubmission recommendation
- Revision Phase: Authors have three weeks to revise their manuscripts. The handling editor reassesses revised versions to ensure adequate address of reviewer comments.
- Final Decision: The handling editor determines whether the revised manuscript meets the journal's publication standards, leading to either acceptance or rejection.
This comprehensive process, involving dive\rse international experts, ensures thorough evaluation and maintains the high standards of Moneta: Journal of Economics and Finance.